Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Photo Description Comparrisons

After reading the description of the classmate who also described my photo I can tell that he/she knows a lot about cameras and photos. In their description you can clearly see that they have had some interaction or practice with cameras due to their camera vocabulary and knowledge. The way they described the vantage point the colors, the type of photograph, the lighting or lack of lighting, the frame, depth of photo, and distance between the photographer and the figure(boy or girl) shows their experience. They also did a very good job of describing what they saw as well and how it made them feel that there was a "lack of intimacy" in the photo. He/She was very descriptive of the figure in the middle of the floor with the way he/she was laying, the items in the area of the photo, and the color of these items. Overall I feel that my description was more subject matter than subject when compared to their description and their description was both subject matter and subject based. The lack of knowledge and experience with cameras is apparent in my description when compared to theirs.

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